Saturday 21 April 2012


Oh Savannah you are lovely, our favourite place so far.

This little shop was on the way between Charleston and Savannah, bought myself some cherry cider and foolishly an apple pie forgetting the Americans shove cinnamon in anything. HATE cinnamon. 

Wasn't sure about the cider either. Its not alcoholic, don't be fooled.
Leanne bought a buttermilk pie and ate the lot, she loved it. I waited until she'd finished to tell her it was just an egg custard under a different name. Something she would never try at home!! HA 

 A market on the waterfront  had some lovely things in here leanne treated herself to a nice ring. Thought I was having a heart attack here but turns out the bag was just heavy.

Statue of the Waving Lady. She waved in every ship for 50 years incase her boyfriend returned one of them.

Leanne getting some fruit in her diet.

Savannah has 24 squares spaced around the main area, we managed to walk around 16 of them. Each of them are different, most have monuments in them, some fountains, some restaurants, people playing instruments. This was one of the squares although I couldn't tell you which one!

Horse and carriage going around the squares on a tour. We managed to listen to some walking tours while looking in the opposite direction trying to look inconspicuous.

Leanne being as morbid as ever

A Savannah street, I thought it looked pretty

This is the Chippawa Square which is where the bench scenes from Forrest Gump were filmed. Unfortunately the bench isn't there anymore :(

At the end of all the squares is Forsyth Park where this huge fountain sits. Leanne looks like she's reflecting but she's just trying to get a tan on her face!
A man asked us to take a picture of him in front of the fountain then offered to take one of us, Leanne thought it might of been a plot to steal the camera so in the picture you can see she's ready for a sprint, I look awful though so you won't be seeing it!


  1. It sounds like you two girls are having such a ball!!! OMG at the motorways!!! that would give me a heart attack contemplating something like that lol! love the coca cola bear - this is surely the holiday of a lifetime!? where you off to next? Sue x

  2. we're quite behind with the blog, we're in Texas at the moment! dallas to be exact, we went to a Baseball game last night lol! Will try and update it asap! we;re about 2 weeks behind I think!!
